Pastoral Hub

IFGF Global

Joy Program

Joy Bag Program

From November to December 2020, IFGF and World Harvest Indonesia conducted a program called “Joy Bag”. Joy Bag is a collaboration program between Harvest Community Development (HCD) and IFGF for sharing the joy of Christmas for poor children and families who are within the HCD community. HCD and IFGF collected donations in the form of groceries and high nutrients food to be distributed to the recipients. 

The distribution of Joy Bag was held from 14 – 23 December 2020. HCD team members were in charge of the distribution to each sponsored child and their family, assisted by volunteers from HCD’s sponsored communities. 1024 Joy Bags were distributed at 26 community centers in Jakarta and its surrounding cities; Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi.

“I’m very happy!” shouted Regi joyfully as he received a Joy Bag. The pandemic in 2020 has changed many aspects in our life yet through this program we could see that giving and sharing remains to be an important part of us. IFGF and World Harvest Indonesia would like to thank all donors and IFGF members who have participated in the program. We believe that others who received a Joy Bag were as joyful as Regi.

If you want to be a part of the programs and activities held by World Harvest Indonesia, please send a direct message through Instagram of @worldharvestind or contact 0856-9730-9950.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

– Hebrew 13:16 –


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