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Indonesia’s 76th Independence Day

Indonesia’s 76th Independence Day

On August 17, 2021, Indonesia celebrated its 76th Independence Day. In the middle of challenges faced by the country, it is our calling as its citizens to lift this country in our prayers.

To commemorate Indonesia’s 76th Independence Day, some IFGF Churches in Indonesia held a special Sunday service on August 15. IFGF Jakarta for example, opened the Sunday service with a prayer for the nation which was led by Ps. Erna Iskandar. Ps. Daniel Runtuwene delivered a word of God titled “Powerful & Growing”, which is similar to the independence day’s theme. Before delivering his message, Ps. Daniel led the congregation to intercede for Indonesia. Ps. Daniel reminded the congregation that they can contribute to the country’s growth by being light in our everyday life. Each of us has a potential to be a hero through everything we have in our hands. Each of us can be a hero of truth.

In North Sulawesi, IFGF Manado invited the congregation to wear red-white dress code on the August 15 service. Ps. Abraham Yuwono led an intercession prayer for Indonesia before sharing the word of God. A video was also played before the message which was showing testimonies on nationalism from a former flag hoisting troop, a member of Gita Bahana Nusantara (a national choir) and a social activist. Ps. Abraham delivered a message titled “Precious in God’s eyes” which was taken from Isaiah 42:10-12. He encouraged the congregation to submit to the government authority as written in Romans 13:1-7. One way to show our submission is by praying for the leaders and obeying the rules. For example, we are obeying the rules by following the health protocols implemented by our government.

Meanwhile, in Central Java, IFGF Semarang held a special service through Zoom to enable its members to interact with each other. Almost everyone who attended the service put on Indonesia’s flag as their virtual background. Ps. Jimmy Oentoro, the founder of IFGF Churches, came as a speaker for this service. Ps. Jimmy talked about the true church, where Jesus is the center of it. A church is never closed because church talks about people, not about building. The service was closed with a music video of “Merah Putih” from Praise Academy’s students.

The bible tells us to seek welfare and pray for the city we live in. Giving our best in everything we do and submitting to the leaders are a calling we have as believers, as we believe that all government comes from God. Happy 76th Independence Day, Indonesia! Powerful Indonesia, Growing Indonesia!

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

– Romans 13:1-2 –


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