Pastoral Hub

IFGF Global

Activating Your Spirit by Ps Garry and Mrs. Sheila Heyes

In early June 2023, specifically on June 2 and 3, IFGF Jakarta hosted a special event called “Activating Your Spiritual Gifts” for pastors, their spouses, IHCs, ICCs, and volunteers. The event spanned two days and featured prophetic prayers led by Ps Gary Heyes and his wife, Sheila Heyes, who are the founders of Speak Life Global.

The first day of the event, June 2, took place on the 36th floor of the IFGF Building in Slipi Tower, Jakarta. It was attended by 45 people onsite and another 74 joined online via Zoom. The focus of the prophetic prayers on this day was primarily pastors and their spouses, as well as IHC members.

On the second day, June 3, the event moved to the 5th floor of IFGF Place in Plaza Semanggi. It drew an onsite attendance of 102 people, while 68 others joined online through Zoom. This second day was specifically designed for ICCs, ICLs, and volunteers.

It’s indisputable that many attendees received blessings and confirmations from God through the ministry of Ps Gary Heyes and Sheila Heyes.

Let’s continue to pray for our leaders and volunteers to remain fervent in their service to God!

not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

-Romans 12:11-


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