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Happy 22nd anniversary

IFGF Toronto 22nd Anniversary

This year IFGF Toronto turns 22. Currently under the leadership of Ps. Henry and Lidya Suhady, IFGF Toronto have experienced magnificent things which showcase God’s faithfulness for this church.

IFGF Toronto HQ is located in Mississauga, a western suburb 30 minutes away from downtown Toronto. In 2004, IFGF Toronto decided to open an additional Sunday service in downtown Toronto where most of its members who are mainly teenagers and young adults lived. Each Sunday the church has 2 services; 2 p.m. at Mississauga with 70-80 attendants and 4 p.m. at downtown Toronto with 30-40 attendants. 

However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic IFGF Toronto has to shift to online service. There are still 2 Sunday services each week; 10 a.m. service for English language service and 11 a.m. for Indonesian language service. Statistically, the earlier service is mostly attended by young adults and the later is mostly attended by families. 

As discipleship is the core of IFGF, iCare also plays a big part at IFGF Toronto. As of today, there are 5 iCare across Toronto. The youth group which is called NextGen, has been actively doing community events such as annual welcoming events for students, sports tournaments, Christmas celebration, retreat and prayer walk. In  2019, IFGF Toronto held a Canadian Thanksgiving Retreat with one of EAT team members, Ps. Daniel Hanafi.

Eternally thankful! There is no word more fitting to show our gratefulness for God’s goodness and guidance during these 22 years. IFGF Toronto is looking forward to keep walking with Jesus in the years to come.

“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”

– Acts 20:28 –


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