Pastoral Hub

IFGF Global


but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night
(Psalm 1:2 NIV)

We all agree that a large and strong building is formed from small stones or pieces arranged systematically. This is one real proof that order and small things can yield big results.

The same applies to the spiritual life of both children and parents. A strong spiritual life is not just the result of significant spiritual events alone. While spiritual experiences during spiritual events can be a momentum to regain a new spark, enthusiasm, and motivation, zeal without order and consistency will ultimately be in vain.

A strong spiritual life will be formed from daily moments of Quiet Time / Daily Devotions / Family Altar, done regularly every day. Although this may seem small and sometimes considered less important by most people, this habit is the most important in building someone’s spiritual life.

Therefore, IFGF Kids provides devotional materials to cater to the needs of children and parents. Both can utilize these devotional materials, so by reading these devotions, it is hoped that children will grow closer to God, along with all family members.

Here are some reasons why IFGF Kid’s devotional materials can be a choice for families:

  • Suitable Materials
    Devotional materials are created according to the child’s age and level of understanding. The devotional materials also contain moral messages or values that can be practiced practically. The themes of the devotions are also aligned with the monthly themes of IFGF church.
  • Uses Simple Language
    The devotions are presented in simple and clear language, making them easy for children and parents to understand.
  • Open-ended Questions and Discussion
    After reading the devotional verses, there are some open-ended questions to encourage children and parents to discuss their understandings. Parents can also share their personal experiences with Jesus, helping children better grasp the scriptures they read.
  • Creative Activities
    After the devotional, children and parents can also engage in creative activities related to the story. These activities are intended to leave a pleasant impression during the family devotional time and maintain the interest of all family members. Feel free to be creative according to your family’s needs and dynamics.

However, no matter how good the devotional material is, it will not be beneficial without consistency. Make reading the bible devotional with your child a daily routine. Consistency will help build a mindset and habit in the family’s life. Parental involvement in setting an example and being a role model is also encouraging for children.

Enjoy reflecting on God’s word with your family. 

God bless you,
Luciana Christina (IFGF Kids Global Team)


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